Sunday, May 31, 2009


We drove down to Budapest yesterday, wow, what a city. You could spend weeks there and still not see everything. I am in LOVE with this city. Today was back to Vienna. Sadly tomorrow is our last day in Bratislava and then it is back to Germany and Amsterdam. Will try to post some pictures tonight after the little ones go to sleep!


Andersen Family said...

Hey Kim, I just sent you an email to see if you can get some stuff for me in Germany for my friend who served her mission there. If you can would you get me something called Freferkles. I think she said they are gummi candies. And then will you just get some chocolate and some marzipan. If you can't then don't worry about it. I will pay you when you get here. Thanks so much.

Unknown said...

I bet you are all having a great time. I cannot wait until you get her and we can hear all about your trip.