Monday, March 22, 2010

Pretty Proud

Usually when I post it is because I'm really proud of my kids but today, I'm proud of myself. I've been trying to sneak more vegetables into their diet. OK not THEIR diet but Maya's! So I decided to make her favorite food Lasagna. I can never go wrong with Maya and pasta. I found some spinach lasagna noodles at the store the other day so I decided to make some "green" lasagna. I browned some beef, added some stewed tomatoes and threw in some frozen spinach I had in the freezer left over from another dish. Then I noticed I had a half of a can of pumpkin in the fridge so I threw that in as well. Mixed it all up and threw in a packet of dry spaghetti mix. Layered the green lasagna noodles my meat mixture and some parmesan and mozzarella. I was worried it would be too dry as you don't get lasagna noodles that you precook here so I poured some béchamel sauce over the top and threw it in the oven. I was a little worried about it as I had Tracey, Lewis and Layla here for dinner but it was really good! Maya didn't even ask what the green stuff was in the meat, she just asked for another piece. Yea! A small victory for a mom whose child hates vegetables!


Unknown said...

Way to go Kim! Mother's must resort to devious way to out smart their children.